Fresh Start February Day 2 – at WCAR

WCAR - Williamson County Association of Realtors 1646 Westgate Cir, Suite 104, Brentwood, United States

Mark your calendars for 2/7 and 2/8. 2/8 at WCAR (please wear or bring clothes that you can move in for the Safety Training) - 9:15 Light Breakfast - 9:30 […]


Bedford Office 3825 Bedford Avenue, Nashville, TN, United States

Shred Day is Wednesday, 5/8 from 9am to 1pm in the Bedford Parking Lot. Invite your clients!

F&C Halloween Party

Bedford Office 3825 Bedford Avenue, Nashville, TN, United States

FCBW Thanksgiving Potluck at Molly’s House

Annual Thanksgiving Potluck for Brentwood Agents & Staff at Molly Edmondson's home - 6017 Landmark Pl, Brentwood 37027. Sign up will be sent out in early November.

Bedford Office Thanksgiving Potluck

Bedford Office 3825 Bedford Avenue, Nashville, TN, United States

Annual Thanksgiving Potluck for Bedford Agents & Staff in the Bedford Office. Sign up will be sent out in early November.

Souper Bowl Cook Off

Bedford Office 3825 Bedford Avenue, Nashville, TN, United States

Sign up to bring your favorite Soup to share! Or sign up tp bring a Salad, Rolls or Dessert! Prizes will be awarded!

February Fresh Start at GNR

GNR Hal Wilson Education Center 4540 Trousdale Drive, Nashville, TN, United States

9:30am - Laura Hight, E&O attorney 11:00am - Chapman & Rosenthal - PalmAgent App 12:00pm - Lunch from Tazikis 1:30pm - Nashville Chamber Economic Update from Lori Odom, Sr. VP […]